Welcome to M.IN.D Lab at Seoul National University!
Our mission is to develop state-of-the-art machine learning/deep learning algorithms for solving intelligence and real world data problems. To know more about our research and joining the lab, please visit here and here, respectively.
Notice: (As of Mar 2025) :
- For those who are interested in BS internship or joining the lab, please read this and e-mail Prof. Taesup Moon with your CV and transcript. (Disclaimer: It may NOT be possible to reply to all inquiries, but please do inquire if you are interested.)
Recent News
- 24.7 Taesup will start his 1-year sabbatical (24.9~25.8) at Stanford EE!
- 24.5 Sangwon started his 1 year visit to Flavio Calmon’s lab at Harvard SEAS!
- 24.6 Two papers got accepted to CoLLAs 2024! Congrats to Jihwan and Sungmin!
- 24.5 Two papers got accepted to ICML 2024! Congrats to Heewoong, Sangwon, Hongjoon, and Sungmin!
- 24.3 One paper got accepted to CVPR 2024! Congrats to Jaeseok and Dohoon!
- 24.1 One paper got accepted to ICLR 2024! Congrats Donggyu and Sangwon!
- 24.1 One paper got accepted to AAAI 2024! Congrats Sungmin!
- 23.12 One paper was presented at NeurIPS 2023! This is a joint work with Connectome Lab @ SNU!
- 23.10 One paper got accepted to WACV 2024!
- 23.9 Taesup will serve as an Area Chair for ICLR 2024 and CVPR 2024.
- 23.7 Taesup gave research talks at companies (NewsBreak, Google, Coupang, Amazon, Meta, and NVIDIA) and universities (UC Berkeley and Stanford) in the Bay Area, CA USA! We look forward to fruitful collaborations!
- 23.7 M.IN.D Lab attended at the 한국인공지능학회 하계학술대회!
- 23.7 Sungmin successfully defended his Ph.D thesis! He is our #1 PhD graduate and is now with NYU CS department as a Faculty Fellow! Congrats!
- 23.3 We had our first group MT! It was a real fun!
- 23.3 Yongho, Sumin, Jinwoo, Juhyun, Heewoong (MS/PhD) and Yong Jin (PhD) joined our lab! Welcome!
- 23.2 One paper got accepted to CVPR 2023! Congratulations Sungmin!
- 23.2 Taesup won 2022 공과대학 우수강의상 for both semesters in 2022! Thanks to the hard work of great TAs!
- 23.1 One paper got accepted to ICLR 2023! Congratulations Sangwon and Taeeon!
- 23.1.31-2.1 We had our first internal lab workshop! It was cool!